The Stellar Training for Astronaut Readiness (STAR) for Analogs program is a product of Interstellar Performance Labs and is designed to prepare individuals for simulated space missions.

This program begins with a 9-week foundations course to provide you with the fundamentals in preparing for an analog mission through video lessons, live group sessions, exercises, team building activities, group projects, assignments, and yes - quizzes and exams!

We pride ourselves on standards, integrity, and credibility to ensure that each STAR candidate earns their achievements. It's one thing to add training to your resume, but how well can you apply that training and demonstrate the knowledge and skills in a practical setting?

This isn't just an online course you take to "check the box". We want you to walk away from this program with something of value to further you on your space journey - something that not only looks good, but truly means something.

The sky is not the limit!

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness encompasses exercise, nutrition, and sleep. It is a big part of analog missions from conducting Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) to performing exercise for sport and mental well-being. But it is also an opportunity to learn proper movement patterns to avoid injuries, build resiliency within the muscles and tendons, optimize performance through nutrition and sleep, and allow your body to properly recover.

Mental Fitness

Isolated, confined, and extreme environments can take a toll on our mental health. As an analog astronaut and crew member, you will be isolated with other crew members for an extended period of time, which can increase stress, irritability, mood, and conflict. It can also be mental challenging and demanding. Therefore, addressing these issues must begin at the root, and that is with the individual. It includes emotional intelligence through an awareness of self and others, mindfulness, and mental toughness.

Team Dynamics

You are only as strong as your weakest crew member. But how do you go from being a group to acting as one solid unit - a team? Aside from emotional intelligence, it also requires communication, managing conflict, shared purpose and experiences, leadership, and followership to really make a cohesive team.

Human Factors

Human factors are often considered everything relating to humans. In this program, human factors are analyzed from a top down approach to understand the cause of human errors, mitigation strategies, managing human errors, and anticipating the most likely events to assess risks and manage expectations.